​Why are POTS Lines Being Phased Out and Why is the Cost Increasing?
POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) lines, which have been in use for over a century, are being phased out due to the rise of digital communication methods. Digital communication methods have been proven to be more efficient and provide better call quality.
In addition to the phasing out of POTS lines, the cost of these lines is also increasing. This is because the maintenance and upkeep of the old copper networks used for POTS lines are becoming increasingly more costly. Furthermore, there is now less demand for these lines, which means companies are charging more to cover their costs.
According to a recent report, the cost of one POTS line can currently range from $65-100 per month. However, after August 2023, some lines are anticipated to cost $3,000 per month. This unprecedented increase in cost is a result of the deregulation of the market surrounding POTS, which gave all control to providers to choose who will continue to receive service.
Businesses that rely on POTS lines for their phone service can expect to see higher bills as a result of these changes. Additionally, the quality of POTS service is likely to decline as it has become an outdated technology that is being left behind in favor of modern digital communication.
One solution to the phasing out of POTS lines is to move to the cloud. Many telecommunication companies provide POTS replacement solutions that offer better call quality and are more cost-effective than POTS. Digital solutions are a modern and efficient way of communicating, and businesses that adopt them can expect to save on costs while improving overall communication.
In conclusion, POTS lines are being phased out due to the rise of digital communication methods. The cost of POTS is also increasing due to the maintenance and upkeep of the old copper networks used for these lines. Companies are charging more to cover their costs, and as a result, businesses that rely on POTS lines can see higher bills. Going digital is the best solution, offering better call quality and cost savings.